Thursday, June 10, 2010

FIFA Leader Joseph S. Blatter Launch Chirp Page

FIFA leader Joseph S. Blatter will launch his individual Twitter page today, Thursday 10 June. Fans from all over the world will be able to follow the FIFA president views and view on the explanation “@seppblatter” all from side to side the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa.

FIFA leader Joseph S. Blatter comment:

“We are future the first FIFA World Cup in which social media sites will play an significant role in connecting everyone who cares about the game of footy. I’m excited to be sharing my own person knowledge of the 2010 FIFA World Cup with footy fans from all over the world.”, the world’s official footy net site, will launch one further accounts, to go live later in June. They are: @FIFAcom covering interviews, site developments, Fantasy Team progress and updates on key news from rivalry matches, and @FIFAcomLive, as long as hysterically and real-time update from all 64 sports rivalry at South Africa 2010. watch now

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